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Podium Instrument Set
Schoeps ColettePodium Instrument Set
RC Set "Violin"은 다양한 악기의 스팟 마이크로폰으로 사용하기에 가장 적합합니다.
이 셋트는 세계적으로도 유명하며 콘서트 스테이지에서의 표준으로 자리잡았습니다.
이 조합의 완전한 우아함은 최고의 음질을 제공하면서도 동시에 대중과 제작자들에게 높이 평가받았습니다.
RC 및 STR의 다양한 길이 옵션을 통해 다른 애플리케이션에서도 사용할 수 있습니다.
Colette MK 4 Capsule
No. 133801 with CMC 6
Colette CMC 6 PreampNo. 133801 with CMC 6
No. 133803 with CMC 1
Colette CMC 1 PreampNo. 133803 with CMC 1
BF 250 Heavy Floor Base
STR Vertical Rod
RC Active Extension Tubes for Colette
B 5D Popscreen
To find more options, Click Here! - 더 많은 옵션이 준비되어 있습니다. 클릭!
Active Extention Cable
KCActive Extention Cable
Active Extention Tubes
RCActive Extention Tubes
Dual Active Tubes
R2C KCDual Active Tubes
On The Table Applications
Table Mounting Applications
Low Cut Filter
CUT 60Low Cut Filter
PAD 10 / 20CAttenuator
Capsule Joint
GVCCapsule Joint
Elastic Suspension for Colette
A 20Elastic Suspension for Colette
20mm Stand Clamp for Colette
SG 2020mm Stand Clamp for Colette
Popscreen for 20mm mic
B 1D Neutral ScreenPopscreen for 20mm mic
Popscreen for 20mm mic
B 5D Neutral ScreenPopscreen for 20mm mic
Popscreen for Dual 20mm mic
B 55D Neutral ScreenPopscreen for Dual 20mm mic
Windscreen for 20mm mic
W 5D Neutral ScreenWindscreen for 20mm mic
Studio Popscreen Mounting on CMC Preamp
PR 120 Neutral ScreenStudio Popscreen Mounting on CMC Preamp
Popscreen for 20mm
B 1 Form TypePopscreen for 20mm
Popscreen for 20mm
B 5 Form TypePopscreen for 20mm
Windscreen for 20mm
W 5 Form TypeWindscreen for 20mm
Windscreen for CMH
PS 4 Form TypeWindscreen for CMH
Windscrren for MS
WMS Form TypeWindscrren for MS
Windscrren for CMIT 5, Mini CMIT
W 140 Form TypeWindscrren for CMIT 5, Mini CMIT
Windscrren for Super CMIT
W 170 Form TypeWindscrren for Super CMIT
Windscreen Sets for Mono
Windscreen Sets for Stereo
Windscreen Sets for CMIT
Windscreen Sets for Surround